Author: hunttech

Monthly tech news + tips from Huntington Technology, Inc.Soaked Gadgets: How You Can Save Them Accidents happen. Here's what to do when they involve liquids and electronic devices.Continue readingSit Too Much? Build a Standing Desk Maybe you’ve heard: prolonged daily sitting is bad for you. We...

Monthly tech news + tips from Huntington Technology, Inc. Square and Your Business: Match Made in Heaven? Should businesses cheer the arrival of Square? Continue reading » Business Owners: Meet Big Data Do you know what big data is? As a business owner, you should. Continue reading »The...

With a couple of recent studies showing that telecommuting can actually *improve* worker productivity and morale, we expect that more local businesses will let their employees work remotely.Which is great! Except for one thing: *data security*Telecommuting raises specific security concerns that should be proactively identified...